lunedì 31 maggio 2010


E' sera . Ombre e luci attorno a me
Mormorii . Voci cacofoniche che non mi disturbano
Aria fresca, brezza che accarezza i miei capelli
Sguardi rubati
Lei ...
Tensione . Attrazione . Forte, si taglia con il coltello
No . Non si può ...
Abbraccio . E' una reazione . Se cedi, continui ...
E ti perdi
E' buio
La luna
Il suo profumo ... La sua scia ... Mi accompagna

3 commenti:

  1. Hello, I'm very sorry that I can't read Italian. I have never left America before. I know, it's quite sad. I wish that I could read your blog. I'm glad that you like to read my blog. I never thought it was that interesting at all. But, thank you.

  2. Hello Haley
    I'm to sorry you can not read Italian, I'll try, with the aid of a translator, to write in English
    Please forgive me in advance for any grammar's error
    I was pleased to your answer, you have visited my blog and might have found it interesting . Really great
    Very often we do not realize that beyond the wall, across the northern hemisphere, there is someone who is reading, which is affecting us, what we do
    Continue to follow me if you want, and your comments or feeling will be appreciated
    If I have aroused feelings, emotions or another in your heart reading my blog it's really for me a great satisfaction
    Have a nice day Haley

    Translated With Google Translate

  3. This is 'Vortice' Haley
    Sorry for a not really good translation ;)

    It evening
    Shadows and lights around me
    Cacophonous voices that not disturb me
    Fresh air, breeze caresses my hair
    Stolen Glances
    Tension. Attraction.
    Hard, cut with a knife
    No. You cannot ...
    It's a reaction. If you give you lose
    I'm keep out
    It's dark
    The moon
    Her scent ... It's wake with me
